art blog painting tips

Why too much planning destroys your painting

Why too much planning destroys your painting

Some artists will tell you to plan your painting in detail before you even dip your brush in paint. Working out the composition, doing thumbnail sketches, thinking about the hues and tones and laying your paints out on the palette before you start. Here are some reasons why I advocate a more spontaneous approach.

1: Too much planning destroys the freshness of the artwork and sucks out all the energy. Art is so much more than getting the composition right. The emotion the artwork conveys is more important than 'getting it right'.

2: Art wants to be free to express itself. Too much planning will suffocate freeness of expression.

3: You learn to watch the painting unfold before you, be adaptable to what is emerging and trust your instincts. This will help you to grow as an artist much quicker, and be aware of a new style emerging that may bring you more success as an artist than you could have imagined. 

4: Which brings me to the next point - being spontaneous is so much more fun than sticking to a rigid plan. Watch children enjoy art - do they plan their work? Most kids will give no more than a minute's thought to what they will draw or paint before they start. Children will find joy and fun in everything they do - as adults we are in danger of losing that ability.

What do you think? Let me know your approach.


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